[STATS] - Cerezo Osaka vs Urawa Reds
 Cerezo Osaka 0 : 1/4 Urawa Reds - [Asian Handicap Stats]
Cerezo Osaka Urawa Reds
Total Bets:  197 (54%)  167 (46%)
Total Bets: 6 (43%) 8 (57%)
Total Staked: AB$5,375,000.00 (53%) AB$4,775,000.00 (47%)
Where is the AB$ at? (Overall):
= Cerezo Osaka (53%)     ||      = Urawa Reds (47%)

Where is the smart AB$ at? (Top 50):
= Cerezo Osaka (100%)     ||      = Urawa Reds (0%)

Top 50 Tipsters Bet Stats
Cerezo Osaka - 1 bets (100%)
AB$25,000.00 (100%)
Urawa Reds - 0 bets (0%)
AB$0.00 (0%)
 No.  Tipsters: Odds
 49.   ckmi
1096 days ago
  -1/4 @ 1.975
 No.  Tipsters: Odds